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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Operation of crematories for disposal of garbage
General City (GCT) CHAPTER 21, ARTICLE 2
§ 17. Operation of crematories for disposal of garbage. A crematory in
any city or within ten miles of the corporate limits of any city, owned
or controlled by any person or corporation or by a city, for the
treatment or consuming of garbage or other refuse matter or offal, dead
animals or fish, shall be so operated by the use of coke, charcoal, or
other fuel device and by such appliances and methods that the offensive
and noxious gases and fumes arising from the consumption or treatment of
such garbage or other refuse matter or offal, dead animals or fish shall
be burned or disposed of without offense or danger to the persons
residing in the neighborhood of such crematory. The city authorities or
the person or corporation owning or controlling such crematory shall
cause the necessary devices, and fuel or other supplies to be furnished
for the consumption or proper disposal of such gases and fumes. Any city
authority or other person or corporation owning or controlling such
crematory and any city employee or other person operating such a
crematory who shall allow or permit such gases or fumes arising from the
consumption of such garbage or other matter to escape and become
offensive or dangerous to the persons residing in the neighborhood of
such crematory, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall upon
conviction be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars
nor more than two hundred and fifty dollars for each day that such
offensive or noxious gases or fumes are permitted or allowed to escape,
or by imprisonment for not more than one year, or both.