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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Admission of children to theatres
General City (GCT) CHAPTER 21, ARTICLE 2
§ 18-b. Admission of children to theatres. The local legislative body
of any city by a majority vote may provide by local law, subject to the
provisions of this section, for the licensing of theatres in such city
wherein there shall be exhibited those films which have been licensed by
the education department of the state of New York to admit children over
the age of eight years and under the age of sixteen years, unaccompanied
by a parent or guardian or other adult person.

No child under the age of sixteen years shall be admitted to any
theatre unaccompanied by a parent, guardian or other adult person,
unless such theatre is licensed pursuant to and complies with the terms
of a local law adopted pursuant to this section. Any such local law, and
every license issued thereunder, shall require:

1. That a separate section of seats shall be set aside on the main or
orchestra floor by the owner, operator, or management of such theatre
and used exclusively for children, to which adults shall not be
admitted. Such section of seats shall be specified in the license, but
provision may be made therein for varying the size of such section at
different periods of time.

2. A seat in such section shall be provided for every such child
admitted to the theatre.

3. Such children shall not be admitted to such a theatre during the
time when their school classes within the city are in session.

4. One matron and such other assistants as may be specified in such
local law, shall be provided by such owner, operator, or management of
such theatre for the supervision of such children. Such matron shall be
licensed by such a city and the license fee, not exceeding two dollars,
shall be paid by such owner, operator, or management of such theatre.

Such local law may provide other and additional conditions or
limitations but such conditions or limitations shall not require any
additional approval of and shall not prohibit the exhibition of any
motion picture film duly licensed by the education department of the
state of New York.

Such a local law may provide for the enforcement thereof, and may
prescribe penalties for violations thereof or of licenses issued

The admission of a child between eight and sixteen years of age to a
theatre licensed under authority of a local law adopted pursuant to the
provisions of this section, where such theatre complies with the terms
of this section and of the license, shall not be deemed a violation of
the provisions of section 260.20 of the penal law.