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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Service charge for receiving, handling and disbursing funds and coupons
General Municipal (GMU) CHAPTER 24, ARTICLE 5-A
§ 106-a. Service charge for receiving, handling and disbursing funds
and coupons. The fiscal officer of the political subdivision or of a
district therein shall impose upon each contractor such service charge
for receiving, handling and disbursing funds and coupons pursuant to
section one hundred six of this article as the local governing body of
the political subdivision may provide by local law or ordinance. Such
service charge shall not exceed a reasonable amount which is generally
consistent with charges by a bank or trust company for such a service.
This section shall not apply where a political subdivision or district
therein has entered into an agreement with a bank or trust company
pursuant to section one hundred six of this article.