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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Cities and villages may hold property in trust for certain purposes
General Municipal (GMU) CHAPTER 24, ARTICLE 5
§ 73. Cities and villages may hold property in trust for certain
purposes. Real and personal estate may be granted and conveyed to the
corporation of any city or village of this state, to be held in trust
for any purpose of education, or the diffusion of knowledge, or for the
relief of distress; or for parks, gardens, or other ornamental grounds,
or grounds for the purposes of military parades and exercise, or health
and recreation, within or near such incorporated city or village, upon
such conditions as may be prescribed by the grantor or donor, and agreed
to by such corporation; and all real estate so granted or conveyed to
such corporation, may be held by the same, subject to such conditions as
may be prescribed and agreed to as aforesaid.