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This entry was published on 2021-04-23
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Policy and purposes of article
General Municipal (GMU) CHAPTER 24, ARTICLE 18-A, TITLE 1
§ 852. Policy and purposes of article. It is hereby declared to be the
policy of this state to promote the economic welfare, recreation
opportunities and prosperity of its inhabitants and to actively promote,
attract, encourage and develop recreation, economically sound commerce
and industry and economically sound projects identified and called for
to implement a state heritage area management plan as provided in title
G of the parks, recreation and historic preservation law through
governmental action for the purpose of preventing unemployment and
economic deterioration by the creation of industrial development
agencies which are hereby declared to be governmental agencies and
instrumentalities and to grant to such industrial development agencies
the rights and powers provided in this article.

It is hereby further declared to be the policy of this state to
protect and promote the health of the inhabitants of this state by the
conservation, protection and improvement of the natural and cultural or
historic resources and environment and to control land, sewer, water,
air, noise or general environmental pollution derived from the operation
of industrial, manufacturing, warehousing, commercial, recreation, horse
racing facilities, railroad facilities, automobile racing facilities and
research facilities and to grant such industrial development agencies
the rights and powers provided by this article with respect to
industrial pollution control facilities.

It is hereby further declared to be the policy of this state to
protect and promote the health of the inhabitants of this state and to
increase trade through promoting the development of facilities to
provide recreation for the citizens of the state and to attract tourists
from other states and to promote the development of renewable energy
projects to support the state's renewable energy goals as may be
established or amended from time to time.

The use of all such rights and powers is a public purpose essential to
the public interest, and for which public funds may be expended.