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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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The industrial commissioner is hereby authorized to enter into agreements with the appropriate agencies of the United States, whereby, in...
* § 21-a. The industrial commissioner is hereby authorized to enter
into agreements with the appropriate agencies of the United States,
whereby, in accordance with a law of the United States, the commissioner
shall cooperate with such appropriate agencies of the United States in
the administration and operation of programs of vocational training or
retraining, or the development of job skills, authorized by such law.
The commissioner shall cooperate with other departments, divisions and
agencies of the state in connection with any such programs and perform
such acts and exercise such powers as may be necessary to entitle the
state to receive benefits under such agreement. The commissioner is
further authorized to receive and disburse funds from the United States
or any agency thereof, in accordance with any such agreement.

* NB Enacted without section heading.