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Execution of obligations
Local Finance (LFN) CHAPTER 33-A, ARTICLE 2, TITLE 4
§ 61.00 Execution of obligations. a. All obligations, including
interim bonds, shall be executed in the name of the municipality, school
district or district corporation by the chief fiscal officer unless the
finance board shall, by resolution, designate a different officer or
officers to execute such obligations. Such execution may be by
facsimile signature, in which event the finance board shall provide for
authentication of such obligation by the manual countersignature of a
fiscal agent or of a designated official of the municipality, school
district or district corporation. Such obligations shall have the seal
or a facsimile seal of the municipality, school district or district
corporation impressed or imprinted thereon. Such obligations may be
attested by the facsimile or manual signature of the clerk of such
municipality, school district or district corporation or such other
official thereof as may be designated by the finance board. Coupons
attached to a bond shall be authenticated by the facsimile or manual
signature of the chief fiscal officer unless the finance board shall, by
resolution, provide that such coupons shall be authenticated by the
facsimile or manual signature of a different officer.

b. Obligations executed in the manner set forth above by the officials
designated and referred to above shall be valid and binding obligations
when duly delivered, notwithstanding the fact that before the delivery
thereof the persons executing the same shall have ceased to be officials
or other officials may have been designated to perform such functions.