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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Interim bonds
Local Finance (LFN) CHAPTER 33-A, ARTICLE 2, TITLE 4
§ 62.00 Interim bonds. The agency selling and issuing the bonds of a
municipality, school district or district corporation may issue interim
bonds pending the printing or engraving and delivery of bonds in
definitive form. Such interim bonds shall be of substantially the same
form and tenor as the definitive bonds, except that they shall also
provide that they are exchangeable for the definitive bonds when such
bonds are ready for delivery, and if such definitive bonds are coupon
bonds, the interim bonds need not have coupons attached but may provide
for the payment of interest upon their presentation for notation of such
payment thereon. Such interim bonds may be issued in such denominations
as the purchaser may request, which may be one denomination equal to the
principal amount of the bond issue.