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This entry was published on 2015-02-20
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Lost and Strayed Animals 115/1894 (LSA) CHAPTER 115
§ 9. Any person or persons, who shall hinder or molest or interfere
with any officer or agent of the department of health and mental hygiene
of such city in the performance of any duty enjoined by this act, or who
shall use a license tag on a dog for which it was not issued, shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Any person who for the purpose of
participating in the "animal population control program" shall falsify
proof of adoption from a pound, shelter, duly incorporated society for
the prevention of cruelty to animals, humane society or dog or cat
protective association or who shall furnish any licensed veterinarian of
this state with inaccurate information concerning his or her residency
or the ownership of an animal or such person's authority to submit an
animal for a sterilization procedure established pursuant to section
17-812 of the administrative code of the city of New York and any
veterinarian who shall furnish false information concerning an animal
sterilization fee schedule or an animal sterilization certificate shall
be guilty of a violation punishable by a fine of not more than two
hundred fifty dollars where prosecuted pursuant to the penal law, or
where prosecuted as an action to recover a civil penalty of not more
than two hundred fifty dollars. Notices of violation may be issued
pursuant to this act by any officer or agent of the department of health
and mental hygiene of such city, or any other agency or entity
designated by the commissioner of health and mental hygiene of such
city, and such notices of violation shall be returnable to the
environmental control board or to the health tribunal of the office of
administrative trials and hearings of the city of New York.