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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Bulkheads and scuttles
Multiple Residence (MRE) CHAPTER 61-B, ARTICLE 4, TITLE 1
§ 60. Bulkheads and scuttles. 1. There shall be a fire-resistive
bulkhead in the roof over, or connecting directly by means of a public
hall with the highest portion of every stair extending to the highest
story below the main roof. Stairs leading to such bulkheads shall be
fire-retarded as required for other public stairs and shall have at the
top fireproof doors and assemblies with the doors self-closing. All
stairs to required bulkheads shall be provided with a guide or handrail.
A scuttle so constructed as to be readily opened may be substituted for
a bulkhead in dwellings not exceeding three stories and a basement in
height. Such scuttle shall be at least twenty-one inches in width and
twenty-eight inches in length, covered on the outside with metal and
provided with a stationary iron or steel ladder leading thereto.

2. When a dwelling has a pitched or sloping roof with a pitch or slope
of more than fifteen degrees, no bulkhead or scuttle, or stair or ladder
leading thereto shall be required.

3. A bulkhead door or scuttle shall never be locked with a key, but
may be fastened on the inside with movable rustproof bolts or hooks.
All key locks shall be removed.

4. Bulkheads and stairs leading thereto existing on July first,
nineteen hundred fifty-two, shall be permitted provided the stairs have
such angle of ascent and treads of such dimensions as may be approved by
the department.