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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Fire alarm system; watchman
Multiple Residence (MRE) CHAPTER 61-B, ARTICLE 4, TITLE 1
§ 61. Fire alarm system; watchman. 1. Except as provided in
subdivision three, in every transient dwelling containing thirty or more
sleeping rooms for transient occupancy, there shall be an interior fire
alarm system.

2. Except as provided in subdivision three, in every fireproof
transient dwelling containing fifty or more sleeping rooms for transient
occupants, and in every non-fireproof transient dwelling containing
thirty or more such rooms, when thirty-five per centum or more of such
rooms are occupied, there shall be, in addition to the interior fire
alarm system, one or more watchmen or clerks, employed by the owner,
whose duty it shall be to visit every portion of the dwelling at
frequent regular intervals between the hours of eleven p.m. and seven
a.m. for the purpose of detecting fire or other sources of danger and
giving immediate and timely warning thereof to all the occupants. There
shall be provided a watchman's clock system or other device to record
the movement of such watchman.

3. Where throughout such dwelling a fire-detecting system, or an
approved type automatic sprinkler system is provided which actuates a
fire alarm by the flow of water through such system so as to give
warning to all the occupants of the dwelling, and is installed in a
manner satisfactory to the department in conformity with rules and
regulations adopted by the commission, the provisions of subdivisions
one and two shall not be applicable.