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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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SECTION 1020-Q*2
Transfer of officers and employees
Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 5, TITLE 1-A*
* § 1020-q. Transfer of officers and employees. Any public officer or
employee under civil service, selected by the authority may, with the
consent of the commission, board or department by which he or she has
been employed, be transferred to the authority and shall be eligible for
such transfer and appointment without examination to comparable offices,
positions and employment under the authority. The salary or compensation
of any such officer or employee shall after such transfer be paid by the
authority. But notwithstanding the provisions of this title, any such
officers or employees so transferred to the authority, pursuant to the
provisions of this section, who are members of or beneficiaries under
any existing pension or retirement system, shall continue to have all
rights, privileges, obligations and status with respect to such fund,
system or systems as are now prescribed by law, but during the period of
their employment by the authority, all contributions to any pension or
retirement fund or system to be paid by the employer on account of such
officers or employees, shall be paid by the authority; and all such
officers and employees who have been appointed to positions under the
rules and classifications of the civil service commission of the county
of Albany shall have the same status with respect thereto after transfer
to the authority as they had under their original appointments. It is
hereby declared that in the interest of efficiency and insofar as may be
practicable, all employees engaged in the operation of any property or
properties, except in an executive capacity, at the time such property
or properties shall have been acquired by the authority, pursuant to the
provisions of this title, shall become the employees of the authority.
The appointment and promotion of all employees of the authority shall be
made in accordance with the provisions of the civil service law and such
rules as the civil service commission of the county of Albany may adopt
and make applicable to such authority.

* NB There are 2 § 1020-q's