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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 5, TITLE 5
§ 1094. Definitions. As used or referred to in this title, unless a
different meaning clearly appears from the context,

1. The term "authority" shall mean the corporation created by section
one thousand ninety-five of this title;

2. The term "county" shall mean the county of Monroe;

3. The term "treasurer" shall mean the treasurer of the authority;

4. The term "comptroller" shall mean the comptroller of the state of
New York;

5. The term "civil service commission" shall mean the civil service
commission of the county of Monroe;

6. The term "properties" shall mean the water supply and distribution
system or systems of the authority, including the plants, works,
instrumentalities or parts thereof and appurtenances thereto, lands,
easements, rights in land and water rights, rights-of-way, contract
rights, franchises, approaches, connections, dams, reservoirs, water
mains and pipe lines, pumping stations and equipment, and also
including, without limitation, facilities and appurtenances thereto,
some part of the capacity or use of which is used or to be used by or
for the benefit of a municipality or municipalities or other corporation
or corporations pursuant to contracts authorized by subdivision sixteen
of section ten hundred ninety-six of this title, or any other property
incidental to and included in such system or part thereof, and any
improvements, extensions, and betterments, situated within the
territorial limits of the county, or in Genesee county, or in the town
or village of Victor and the towns of East Bloomfield and West
Bloomfield in Ontario county, or in the village of Holley and the town
of Clarendon in Orleans county;

7. The term "bonds" shall mean the bonds, notes and obligations,
issued by the authority, pursuant to this act;

8. The term "revenues" shall mean all rents, charges and other income
derived from the operation of the properties of the authority;

9. The term "municipality" shall mean any county, city, town, village,
town water district, fire district, fire protection district, fire alarm
district, school district, and any other political subdivision of the

10. The term "Genesee county project" shall mean the construction,
installation, equipping and/or financing of such properties, as such
term is defined in subdivision six of this section, as are necessary for
the authority to provide service to Genesee county or any municipality
therein on the terms set forth in this title.