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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 2, TITLE 3
* § 151. Definitions. As used or referred to in this title, unless a
different meaning clearly appears from the context,

1. The term "authority" shall mean the corporation created by section
one hundred fifty-two of this chapter;

2. The term "commission" shall mean the Long Island state park

3. The term "Meadowbrook parkway" shall mean a parkway now proposed
between Meadowbrook state park and Jones Beach state park;

4. The term "Loop parkway" shall mean a parkway now proposed
connecting Meadowbrook parkway and Hempstead town park on Long Beach;

5. The term "Wantagh parkway" shall mean the present parkway
connecting Wantagh state park and Jones Beach state park;

6. The term "Jones Beach parkway" shall mean collectively Meadowbrook
parkway, Loop parkway, Wantagh parkway and the roads, structures,
facilities and bridges incidental thereto;

7. The term "bonds" shall mean bonds issued by the authority pursuant
to this title;

8. The term "board" shall mean the members of the authority;

9. The term "comptroller" shall mean the comptroller of the state of
New York.

10. The term "Captree bridge" shall mean a bridge now proposed from
the mainland of Long Island across Great South bay to Captree state park
on Jones Beach island east of the most easterly point of Oak island, and
shall include a parkway connection between the said bridge and the
parkway on Jones Beach island.

11. The term "Captree parkway" shall mean a parkway on the mainland of
Long Island north of Captree bridge to connect Captree bridge with
highways and other state parkways.

12. The term "revenues" shall mean moneys received or to be received
from tolls, rentals or other charges.

* NB (Authority abolished June 30, 1978)