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This entry was published on 2016-04-15
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State police and state payment for services
Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 2, TITLE 9
§ 357-a. State police and state payment for services. 1. Enforcement
assistance provided by the division of state police at the request of
the authority shall be reimbursed by the authority to the division of
state police from the general reserve fund established by the authority
under its agreement with bondholders, after payment of any amounts due
on any bonds or notes of the authority. The comptroller is hereby
authorized and directed to deposit to the New York state thruway
authority account, revenues received from the authority as reimbursement
for personal service expenses including general state charges. In
addition, the authority shall reimburse the division of state police for
non-personal service expenses connected with such assistance. Such
reimbursement shall be made from such general reserve fund. The
authority shall deposit said reimbursement funds for non-personal
service expenses to the credit of the division of state police. No
payments made by the authority under this subsection shall be deemed
operating expenses of the authority.