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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Provision for servicing state vehicles with petroleum, etc
Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 2, TITLE 9
§ 377. Provision for servicing state vehicles with petroleum, etc. The
authority shall have the power to provide and shall provide to
state-owned or leased motor vehicles, gasoline and other petroleum
by-products that are presently provided or will be provided to motor
vehicles owned, leased or operated by the authority. The charge for
providing such goods and services shall be equal to the cost to provide
such to vehicles owned, leased or used by the authority except that a
fee may also be charged to cover the necessary operating costs incurred
as a result of providing such goods and services. Payment shall be
accomplished by charging such cost-back against the centralized services
fund established by state finance law section ninety-seven-g.