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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Officers and employees; compensation and expenses
Public Housing (PBG) CHAPTER 44-A, ARTICLE 3
§ 32. Officers and employees; compensation and expenses. 1. When the
office of the first chairman of the authority becomes vacant, the
authority shall select a chairman from among its members. An authority
shall select from among its members a vice-chairman, and it may employ,
subject to the provisions of the civil service law applicable to the
municipality in which it is established, a general manager, a secretary,
technical experts and such other officers, agents and employees as it
may require, and determine their qualifications, duties and, subject to
the approval of the local legislative body, fix their compensation. An
authority may call upon the corporation counsel or chief law officer of
the municipality for such legal services as it may require and it shall
reimburse the municipality for the cost of such services, or it may
employ its own counsel and legal staff. This section shall not be
construed to prevent an authority from engaging by contract in the
execution of a project architectural, engineering or other professional
or consultant services.

2. An authority may delegate to one or more of its agents or employees
such powers or duties as it may deem proper.

3. A member of an authority may be compensated on a per diem basis at
a rate to be fixed by the authority not to exceed in the aggregate two
thousand dollars for a member and two thousand five hundred dollars for
a chairman per annum and in addition shall be entitled to the necessary
expenses including traveling expenses incurred in the discharge of his

4. Every officer, agent or employee of an authority who shall sign the
receipt upon the payroll of an authority as having received the amount
therein mentioned in full payment for services rendered by him for the
entire time specified in such payroll or, in the event no payroll
receipt is required by an authority, shall endorse a check in the amount
shown upon such payroll and receive payment thereof, shall be deemed to
have made an accord and satisfaction of all claims against the authority
for wages, salary or other compensation due to such person from the
authority for the period covered by such payroll, unless at the time of
signing such payroll or endorsing such check the person receiving such
wages or salary shall write legibly on the payroll in connection with
his receipt or on such check in connection with his endorsement that the
amount received is received under protest, and unless such protest is so
written upon such payroll or check, no recovery shall be had against the
authority upon any further claim for wages, salaries or other
compensation for the period of time covered by such payroll.