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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Tenant meetings in common areas
Public Housing (PBG) CHAPTER 44-A, ARTICLE 3
§ 61. Tenant meetings in common areas. Any group, committee, or other
organization comprised of tenants residing in housing authority
developments conducting a meeting authorized pursuant to section two
hundred thirty of the real property law shall have the right to meet
without being required to pay a fee in any area owned by such authority
which is devoted to the common use of all tenants. Such areas shall
include but not be limited to a community or social room where use is
normally subject to a fee, provided, however, that such meeting is
conducted in a peaceful manner, at reasonable hours and without
obstructing access to the premises or facilities. Five days' prior
written notice of such a meeting must be given to the management office
of the project development. If such common area is unavailable on the
requested day, the management office must provide the group, committee
or other organization comprised of tenants with any times that the
common area will be available during a fourteen-day period commencing on
the fifth day after written notice was given to the management office.