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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Financial assistance; criteria and standards; regulations
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 11, TITLE 4
§ 1162. Financial assistance; criteria and standards; regulations. 1.
The corporation is authorized to promulgate regulations, developed in
consultation with the commissioner and the director of the division of
the budget, for the purpose of carrying out its responsibilities under
this title, including establishing criteria and standards for
determining the amount and kind of financial assistance to a recipient
for an eligible project. To the extent financial assistance to a
recipient for an eligible project is provided from the proceeds of bonds
or notes of the corporation, the amount of an allocation applicable to
the portion of such eligible project financed with such financial
assistance shall be determined by the corporation in accordance with
such regulations, if any.

2. The department is authorized to promulgate regulations, developed
in consultation with the director of the division of the budget and the
corporation, for the purpose of carrying out its responsibilities under
this title.