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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Contracts for meat inspection
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 13, TITLE 8
§ 1354. Contracts for meat inspection. When a board of health of a
county or part county health district or a city, or a public health
committee of a county has made application to the commissioner for
approval of a meat inspection program and providing such application has
been approved by the commissioner, the board of supervisors of any such
county or the common council of any such city, may approve and enter
into a contract with another county or city for inspection in such
county or city which has no meat inspection program. The county or city
receiving such meat inspection shall pay to the county or city doing the
meat inspection an amount agreed upon but not less than the actual cost
of any such meat inspection. Any county or city may accept contributions
from any individual, company or corporation which receives the benefit
of any meat inspection.