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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Requirements for generators of regulated medical waste
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 13, TITLE 13
§ 1389-bb. Requirements for generators of regulated medical waste. 1.
All the requirements of this title shall apply to hospitals as defined
in subdivision one of section twenty-eight hundred one of this chapter
and to residential health care facilities as defined in subdivision
three of section twenty-eight hundred one of this chapter and clinical
laboratories as defined in section five hundred seventy-one of this

2. The commissioner shall promulgate regulations establishing
standards which shall be applicable to generators of regulated medical
waste, as may be necessary to protect human health and the environment.
Such standards shall include, but need not be limited to, requirements

(a) Recordkeeping practices that accurately identify the quantities of
such regulated medical waste produced and the disposition thereof;

(b) Compliance with the marking, labeling and packaging requirements
pursuant to section thirteen hundred eighty-nine-cc of this title;

(c) Compliance with the tracking system pursuant to section 27-1504 of
the environmental conservation law; and

(d) Submission of an annual report to the commissioner of
environmental conservation, and additional reports at such times as the
said commissioner deems necessary, on such forms as the said
commissioner shall prescribe, respecting the quantities of regulated
medical waste produced during a specified time period, and the
disposition thereof.