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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Public health and health planning council; powers and duties; health care facilities, home care agencies and hospices
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 2, TITLE 2
§ 224-b. Public health and health planning council; powers and duties;
health care facilities, home care agencies and hospices. The public
health and health planning council shall have such powers and duties as
are set forth in this chapter, including the consideration of
applications for the establishment and construction of health care
facilities, home care agencies and hospices licensed under articles
twenty-eight, thirty-six or forty of this chapter. In carrying out its
powers and duties, the council shall take into account the impact of its
actions and recommendations on the quality, accessibility, efficiency
and cost-effectiveness of health care throughout the state. The council
shall undertake a comprehensive review of regulations and council
procedures governing the establishment and construction of such health
care facilities, home care agencies and hospices and shall submit to the
commissioner any recommendations for the revisions of such regulations.
Such review shall be conducted every five years, and the first set of
recommendations shall be submitted to the commissioner on or before
December first, two thousand sixteen.