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Grants to approved organizations
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 24, TITLE 1-A
§ 2406. Grants to approved organizations. 1. The commissioner shall
make grants within the amounts appropriated to approved organizations
for the provision of services relating to the evidence based screening
and detection of cancer as part of this program. Such services shall
include but not be limited to:

(a) promotion and provision of early detection of cancer, including
clinical examinations and cancer screening services;

(b) provision of counseling and information on treatment options and
referral for appropriate medical treatment;

(c) dissemination of information to unserved and underserved
populations, to the general public and to health care professionals
concerning cancer, the benefits of early detection and treatment, and
the availability of cancer screening services;

(d) identification of local cancer screening services within the
approved organization's region;

(e) provision of information, counseling and referral services to
individuals diagnosed with cancer; and

(f) provision of information regarding the availability of medical
assistance, including medical assistance under paragraph (v) of
subdivision four of section three hundred sixty-six of the social
services law, to an individual who requires treatment for cancer.

2. The commissioner shall give notice and provide opportunity to
submit applications to provide cancer detection and education programs.
In order to be considered for a grant to provide cancer detection and
education programs, applicants must show evidence of the following:

(a) ability to provide and to ensure consistent and quality cancer
detection services;

(b) expertise in cancer detection and treatment;

(c) capacity to coordinate services with physicians, hospitals and
other appropriate local institutions or agencies;

(d) ability to provide cancer detection and education services to
unserved or underserved populations; and

(e) ability to implement a cancer detection and education program in
accordance with the standards specified in subdivision three of this

Applications shall be made on forms provided by the commissioner.

3. The commissioner shall develop standards for the implementation of
cancer detection and education programs by approved organizations which
shall ensure the following:

(a) integration of the approved organization with existing health care

(b) maximizing third party reimbursement;

(c) provision of services to unserved or underserved populations.

4. Within the amounts of state or federal funds appropriated for
cancer early detection and diagnosis, approved organizations may be
authorized by the department to provide such services for populations
served pursuant to this title. Early detection services shall include,
but not be limited to, complete examinations, evidence based screening,
patient education, counseling, follow-up and referral.