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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Legislative findings and intent
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 24-E
§ 2495. Legislative findings and intent. Hysterectomy is one of the
most common major surgical procedures performed on women and is a
commonly recommended treatment for some gynecological disorders, such as
uterine leiomyofibroma, endometriosis, disorders of menstruation, and
uterine neoplasms. Some disorders, depending on the patient's diagnosis
and situation, may be managed with alternative treatments. In an effort
to promote patients' involvement in health care decisions and to promote
informed consultation with their physician or other health care
practitioner, the department of health shall make available information
which describes the medical diagnoses that are commonly treated with a
hysterectomy, the various hysterectomy procedures, and treatment
alternatives to the diagnoses commonly treated with hysterectomy.