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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Commissioner; functions, powers and duties
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 27-B, TITLE 1
§ 2722. Commissioner; functions, powers and duties. In order to
further the declared purposes of this article, the commissioner shall
have the following functions, powers and duties:

1. to conduct scientific investigations into the causes, prevention,
evaluation and treatment of hypertension;

2. to develop more efficient methods for screening, evaluation and
treatment of hypertension;

3. promote programs of professional education and training in the
prevention of heart disease and hypertension and the rehabilitation of
victims of heart disease and hypertension for physicians, medical
students, nurses, pharmacists and persons in the public health

4. gather data and statistics relative to the prevention of heart
disease and hypertension and develop methods and procedures for the
rehabilitation of these victims;

5. enter into such contracts and agreements with individuals,
colleges, universities, associations, corporations, municipalities and
other units of government as may be deemed necessary and advisable to
carry out the general intent and purposes of this article.