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This entry was published on 2022-11-18
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SECTION 2997-F-1
Provision of information relating to sudden unexpected death in epilepsy
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 29-D, TITLE 1
§ 2997-f-1. Provision of information relating to sudden unexpected
death in epilepsy. 1. Any health care practitioner who is treating a
patient diagnosed with epilepsy and at elevated risk for sudden
unexpected death in epilepsy, who has primary responsibility for the
treatment and care of the patient for epilepsy, other than a health care
practitioner treating such patient in an emergency situation, shall
provide such patient with the following written information:

(a) current and evidence-based information about sudden unexpected
death in epilepsy risk factors and conditions reviewed and approved by
one or more professional not-for-profit organizations with expertise in
neurology and epilepsy; and

(b) contact information for nonprofit organizations that provide
information and support services for epilepsy conditions.

2.(a) The commissioner shall provide written information to health
care practitioners necessary to implement subdivision one of this
section, and shall post such information on the department's website.

(b) The commissioner shall ensure that such information is culturally
and linguistically appropriate for all recipients.

(c) Any local or national organization that provides education or
services related to epilepsy conditions may request that the
commissioner include such organization's informational material and
contact information on the department's website. Once such a request is
made, the commissioner may add the information to the department's
website at his or her discretion.

(d) The commissioner shall, in consultation with local and national
organizations that provide education or services related to epilepsy
conditions, provide guidance to health care practitioners to assist
health care practitioners in determining whether a patient is at
elevated risk for sudden unexpected death in epilepsy, including but not
limited to, whether the patient has had convulsive seizures, the
frequency and recency of such seizures, and whether the patient's
symptoms have subsided in response to medicinal or surgical treatment.

3. A health care practitioner found to be in violation of this section
shall be issued a warning and shall suffer no further civil penalty or
discipline on any first offense, provided such violation was not
committed willfully and knowingly.