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This entry was published on 2023-08-04
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Rates for temporary health care services; reports
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 29-K
§ 2999-mm. Rates for temporary health care services; reports. A
temporary health care services agency shall report quarterly to the
department a full disclosure of charges and compensation, including a
schedule of all hourly bill rates per category of health care personnel,
a full description of administrative charges, and a schedule of rates of
all compensation per category of health care personnel including, but
not limited to:

1. hourly regular pay rate, shift differential, weekend differential,
hazard pay, charge nurse add-on, overtime, holiday pay, travel or
mileage pay, and any health or other fringe benefits provided;

2. the percentage of health care entity dollars that the agency
expended on temporary personnel wages and benefits compared to the
temporary health care services agency's profits and other administrative

3. a list of the states and zip codes of their health care personnels'
primary residences;

4. the names of all health care entities they have contracted within
New York state;

5. the number of health care personnel of the temporary health care
services agency working at each entity; and

6. any other information prescribed by the commissioner.