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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Local health officer; immunity from personal liability
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 3, TITLE 2
§ 329. Local health officer; immunity from personal liability. 1. No
health officer, inspector, investigator, public health nurse, or other
representative of a health officer, and no person or persons other than
the county, city, village or town by which such health officer or
representative thereof is employed shall be sued or held to liability
for any act done or omitted by any such health officer or representative
of a health officer in good faith and with ordinary discretion on behalf
or under the direction of such county, city, village or town pursuant to
its regulations or ordinances, or the sanitary code, or this chapter.

2. Any person whose property may have been unjustly or illegally
destroyed or injured pursuant to any order, regulation or ordinance, or
action of any board of health or health officer, or representative of a
health officer, for which no personal liability may exist as aforesaid,
may maintain a proper action against the county, city, village or town
for the recovery of proper compensation or damages. Every such suit must
be brought within six months after the cause of action arose and the
recovery shall be limited to the damages suffered.