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This entry was published on 2017-01-20
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Food service in funeral establishments
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 34, TITLE 3
§ 3444. Food service in funeral establishments. (a) A funeral
establishment may provide space, facilities, equipment or supplies for
the preparation, sale, service, distribution or consumption of food or
nonalcoholic beverages, limited to incidental refreshments (such as
baked goods, sandwiches, snacks and platters) or those required by the
religious practices of the deceased person or the deceased person's
family, in the funeral establishment to or by persons in the funeral
establishment for the purpose of arranging for, attending or
participating in the care and preparation of a body of a deceased person
for disposition, mourning, a funeral or memorial ceremony or service, or
an open house or similar community function that is related to the
business of funeral directing.

(b) Activities under this section may include the services of a
caterer not owned by or affiliated with the funeral establishment.
Activities of funeral establishment employees or catering employees
shall be limited to (i) preparing such beverages and (ii) serving such
incidental refreshments or nonalcoholic beverages under this section.

No activities under this section shall include the consumption of any
alcoholic beverage. Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, a
funeral establishment shall not operate as a food service establishment
or caterer.