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Consolidated health district; expenses
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 3, TITLE 6
§ 399. Consolidated health district; expenses. 1. The board of health
of each consolidated health district shall from time to time audit all
accounts, and allow or reject all charges, claims and demands against
such health district for the remuneration and expenses of the health
officer, registrar or registrars, and for all other expenses lawfully
incurred by said board of health or on its authority.

2. (a) Unless the board of health of such consolidated health district
adopts the estimate system of payments as provided by this section they
shall, prior to the annual meeting of the board of supervisors each
year, make an abstract to be known as the consolidated health district
abstract, of the names of all persons who have presented to them
accounts to be audited, the amounts claimed by each such person and the
amounts finally audited and approved by them respectively, and, if such
district be wholly in one county, shall deliver such abstract to the
clerk of the board of supervisors.

(b) If such consolidated health district be located in more than one
county the board of health of such district shall divide the total
amount of the consolidated health district abstract as audited and
approved in proportion to the assessed valuation of the real property of
the towns, villages or cities of such consolidated health district
located in each county, with a statement of the amount due from the real
property of each town, village or city of the consolidated health
district in each such county on account of the expenses of such board.

(c) The board of supervisors of each such county shall levy a tax upon
the real property of each town, village or city within such consolidated
health district sufficient to provide for the sums audited and approved
by the board of health thereof and chargeable to the real property of
each town, village or city of the consolidated health district in each
such county.

(d) Such sums, when collected and paid to the county treasurer of each
such county, respectively, shall be paid by him to the president of the
board of health and shall be disbursed by him in accordance with the
abstract of claims audited and approved by such board of health, as
provided by this section.

3. (a) The board of health of any consolidated health district may
annually make an estimate of the expenses of such board for the ensuing
calendar year and, if such district be wholly in one county, shall
deliver a certified copy of such estimate to the clerk of the board of
supervisors of such county prior to the annual meeting of the board
preceding such year.

(b) If such consolidated health district be located in more than one
county, the board of health of such district shall proportion the total
amount of such estimate in the same manner as provided by this section
for proportioning the expenses of such a district when audited and
approved by the board, and shall deliver to the clerk of the board of
supervisors of each such county a certified statement of the total
estimate and the amount due from the real property of each town, village
or city of the consolidated health district in each such county on
account thereof.

(c) The board of supervisors of each county shall levy a tax upon the
real property within such health district sufficient to provide for the
portion of the amount of such estimate chargeable to the real property
of each town, village or city of the consolidated health district in
each such county.

(d) Such sums, when collected and paid to the county treasurer of each
county respectively, shall be paid by him to the president of the board
of health and shall be disbursed by the board of health in accordance
with the estimates.

(e) After such estimate system has been adopted by a consolidated
health district, the board of health thereof shall deduct from the
estimate for the succeeding calendar year the amount, if any, remaining
in the custody of such board after all of the liabilities incurred on
account of the preceding estimate have been paid, before the certified
statement of the total estimate and the amount due from the real
property of each town, village or city of the consolidated health
district in each such county is certified to the respective clerks of
the boards of supervisors for collection.

4. A consolidated health district may adopt the estimate system as
provided by this section, and, as provided by this section, may make and
file with the clerk of the board of supervisors of the county, or if
such district be located in more than one county, with the clerk of the
board of supervisors of each such county, an estimate for the remainder
of the current year and for the ensuing calendar year.