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This entry was published on 2023-04-07
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Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 43-B, TITLE 2
§ 4370. Definitions. As used in this title, the following terms shall
have the following meanings, unless the context clearly requires

1. "Living donation" means the gift by an individual of an organ of
that individual's body to be transplanted into another individual's
body, the gift to be executed while the donating individual is living
and with the intent that the donating individual will continue to live
after the execution of the gift.

2. "Living donor" means: (a) an individual who makes a living
donation; or

(b) an individual who incurs expenses as part of the living donation
screening and evaluation process but that, through no decision or
judgment of their own, does not become an actual living donor.

3. "Living donor expenses" means financial costs incurred by a living
donor that arise due to the act of living donation and its consequences,
that are subject to reimbursement under section forty-three hundred
seventy-one of this title.

4. "Living donor support program" or "program" means the living donor
support program established under section forty-three hundred
seventy-one of this title.

5. "Paired donation" means a living donation in which the living
donor's organ is incompatible with the ultimate intended recipient and
the living donor's organ is transplanted into another recipient, and in
turn another living donor makes a living donation, directly or through
one or more paired donations, to the ultimate intended recipient of the
initial living donor.