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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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SECTION 4650*2
Legislative purpose and findings
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 46-B, TITLE 1
* § 4650. Legislative purpose and findings. The legislature hereby
finds and declares that congregate residential housing with supportive
services in a home-like setting, commonly known as assisted living, is
an integral part of the continuum of long term care. Further, the
philosophy of assisted living emphasizes aging in place, personal
dignity, autonomy, independence, privacy and freedom of choice.

The intent of this article is to create a clear and flexible statutory
structure for assisted living that provides a definition of assisted
living residence; that requires licensure of the residence; that
requires a written residency agreement that contains consumer
protections; that enunciates and protects resident rights; and that
provides adequate and accurate information for consumers, which is
essential to the continued development of a viable market for assisted
living. Entities which hold themselves out as assisted living residences
must apply for licensure and be approved by the state to operate as
assisted living residences pursuant to this article, and must comply
with the requirements of this article.

* NB There are 2 § 4650's