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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Assessment of fees; third-party coverage or indemnification
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 6, TITLE 1
§ 606. Assessment of fees; third-party coverage or indemnification. 1.
Assessment of fees by municipalities. Each municipality shall establish
a schedule of fees for public health services provided by the
municipality and shall make every reasonable effort to collect such
fees. Fees for personal health services shall be reflective of an
individual's ability to pay and shall not be inconsistent with the
reimbursement guidelines of articles twenty-eight and thirty-six of this
chapter and applicable federal laws and regulations. To the extent
possible revenues generated shall be used to enhance or expand public
health services. In its state aid application, each municipality shall
provide the department with a projection of fees and revenue to be
collected for that year. Each municipality shall periodically report to
the department fees and revenue actually collected.

2. Assessment of fees by the commissioner. In each municipality, the
commissioner shall establish a fee and revenue plan for services
provided by the department in a manner consistent with the standards and
regulations established pursuant to subdivision one of this section.

3. Third party coverage or indemnification. For any public health
service for which coverage or indemnification from a third party is
available, the municipality must seek such coverage or indemnification
and report any associated revenue to the department in its state aid