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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Practice before the commission; immunity of witnesses
Public Service (PBS) CHAPTER 48, ARTICLE 1
§ 20. Practice before the commission; immunity of witnesses. 1. All
hearings before the commission or a commissioner, or an officer or
employee specially authorized to conduct an investigation or hearing,
shall be governed by rules to be adopted and prescribed by the
commission. And in all investigations, inquiries or hearings the
commission or a commissioner, or an officer or employee specially
authorized to conduct an investigation or hearing, shall not be bound by
the technical rules of evidence.

2. In any investigation or inquiry by or upon any hearing before the
commission or any commissioner, or an officer or employee specially
authorized to conduct an investigation or hearing, the commission, any
commissioner or the officer conducting the investigation or hearing may
confer immunity in accordance with the provisions of section 50.20 of
the criminal procedure law.