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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Membership in a national thoroughbred racing association
Racing, Pari-Mutuel Wagering and Breeding Law (PML) CHAPTER 47-A, ARTICLE 2
§ 230. Membership in a national thoroughbred racing association.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, if a
majority of the board of directors of a horsemen's organization
qualified pursuant to section two hundred twenty-eight of this article
shall annually approve, the qualified horsemen's organization may
request that the franchised corporation make payments, from funds earned
and retained for purses, to the National Thoroughbred Racing
Association, for the purposes of establishing and maintaining membership
for such organization. Upon receipt of a duly adopted corporate
resolution requesting payment to the National Thoroughbred Racing
Association from a qualified horsemen's organization, the franchised
corporation shall make payments from funds earned and retained for
purses on behalf of such qualified horsemen's organization, provided:

1. In no event shall the sum of the payments made pursuant to the
corporate resolution during any twelve month period exceed an amount
equal to one and one-quarter per centum of the total purses paid at all
tracks operated by the franchised corporation during the preceding
calendar year.

2. Payments shall be made by the franchised corporation in accordance
with a schedule provided in the corporate resolution by the board of the
qualified horsemen's organization. Such schedule shall (i) identify the
twelve month period commencing on April first during which a specific
sum is to be paid and (ii) delineate a timetable for making the
payments, which are to be equal in amount and made no less frequently
than every three months.

3. Upon receipt of a duly adopted corporate resolution from the
qualified horsemen's organization stating that a majority of its board
members has voted to rescind approval of such payments, the franchised
corporation shall make no further payments unless and until it receives
a duly adopted corporate resolution as described in this section.