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This entry was published on 2020-10-16
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Place and manner of conducting pari-mutuel betting
Racing, Pari-Mutuel Wagering and Breeding Law (PML) CHAPTER 47-A, ARTICLE 3
§ 313. Place and manner of conducting pari-mutuel betting. Any
corporation or association licensed to conduct pari-mutuel betting at a
harness race meeting shall provide a place or places within race meeting
grounds or enclosure at which such licensee shall conduct the
pari-mutuel system of betting by its patrons on the result of the
harness horse races at such meetings. Such licensee shall cause to be
erected a sign or board upon which shall be displayed the approximate
straight odds on each horse in any race; the total amount wagered upon
each horse in each pool; the value of a two-dollar winning mutuel
ticket, straight, place or show on the first three horses in any race;
the elapsed time of the race; the value of a two-dollar winning daily
double ticket, if a daily double be conducted, and any other information
that the commission may deem necessary for the guidance of the general
public. All machines and equipment used for pari-mutuel betting or for
the display of the foregoing information must be approved by the
commission and the department of taxation and finance before being used,
but neither the commission nor the department of taxation and finance
shall require the installation of any particular make of mechanical or
electrical equipment.