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This entry was published on 2021-11-05
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Harness Racing and Breeding
Racing, Pari-Mutuel Wagering and Breeding Law (PML) CHAPTER 47-A

Section 301. General powers of commission; harness racing defined;

super exotic bet defined, authorized.

302. Incorporation.

303. Filing of information concerning stock transfers;

necessity for commission approval.

303-a. Non-managing ownership of standardbred horses.

304. Right to hold harness race meetings and races.

305. Pari-mutuel betting at harness races.

307. Licenses for harness race meetings.

307-a. New York-bred or wholly owned harness races.

308. Officials at harness horse race meetings.

309. Licenses for participants and employees at harness race


310. Power of the commission to impose fines and penalties.

311. Refunds.

312. Special police officers.

313. Place and manner of conducting pari-mutuel betting.

314. Construction with other laws.

315. Bond required of corporation or association conducting

pari-mutuel betting.

316. Books and records of pari-mutuel betting.

317. Filing of certain agreements with the commission.

318. Disposition of on-track pari-mutuel pools; harness races.

319. Capital improvements.

320. Revocation of license.

321. Hearing of refusal or revocation of license.

322. Approval of plans of corporation or association.

324. Free or reduced fee passes, cards or badges.

325. County, town and agricultural fairs and harness race

meetings not licensed to conduct pari-mutuel betting.

326. Employees at harness race meetings.

327. Membership in a labor union or a labor organization.

328. Disposition of unpaid money due on account of pari-mutuel

tickets not presented.

329. Penalties.

330. Agriculture and New York state horse breeding development


331. Powers.

332. Resources of fund.

333. New York state exposition harness racing.

334. New York-bred harness horse events.

335. County and town agricultural society harness racing


336. Actions against fund.