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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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SECTION 121-904
Application for authority; effect
Partnership (PTR) CHAPTER 39, ARTICLE 8-A
§ 121-904. Application for authority; effect. (a) Upon filing by the
department of state of the application for authority the foreign limited
partnership shall be authorized to do business in this state. Such
authority shall continue so long as it retains its authority to do
business in the jurisdiction of its formation and its authority to do
business has not been surrendered, suspended or annulled in accordance
with the law.

(b) A foreign limited partnership which has received a certificate of
authority shall have such powers to conduct business in this state as
are permitted by the laws of the jurisdiction in which it was organized
but no greater than those of a domestic limited partnership; provided,
that this subdivision shall not affect the powers of the foreign limited
partnership outside this state.