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This entry was published on 2023-10-27
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Presentation or settlement of accounts
Real Property Actions & Proceedings (RPA) CHAPTER 81, ARTICLE 7-C
§ 796-k. Presentation or settlement of accounts. The court shall
require the keeping of written accounts itemizing the receipts and
expenditures for work performed under an order issued pursuant to
section seven hundred ninety-six-h or seven hundred ninety-six-i of this
article, which shall be open to inspection by the owner of the dwelling,
or any mortgagee or lienor or any other person having an interest in
such receipts or expenditures provided, however, that notwithstanding
any other provision of law to the contrary, such information as may be
in the possession of the department charged with the enforcement of the
housing maintenance code of the municipality shall be available from
such department for inspection only by the owner of the dwelling, the
tenant of the dwelling, or a person having a recorded interest in the
property. Upon motion of the court or the administrator or of the owner,
any mortgagee or lienor of record or of any person having an interest,
the court may require a presentation or settlement of the accounts with
respect thereto. Notice of a motion for presentation or settlement of
such accounts shall be served on the owner, any mortgagee or other
lienor of record who appeared in the proceeding and any person having an
interest in such receipts or expenditures.