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Commencement; notice of petition; petition
Real Property Actions & Proceedings (RPA) CHAPTER 81, ARTICLE 7-D
§ 797-c. Commencement; notice of petition; petition. 1. The proceeding
shall be commenced by the filing of a notice of petition and petition
with the clerk of the court. A notice of petition may be issued by an
attorney, judge, or clerk of the court.

2. The notice of petition shall specify the time and place of the
hearing on the petition and state that if the respondent shall fail to
appear at such time and place to interpose any defense, the respondent
may be precluded from asserting such defense.

3. The office of court administration shall promulgate instructional
materials in which tenant-petitioners may find guidance on how to
commence the special proceedings. Such instructional materials shall be
in plain, accessible language. Such instructional materials shall be
published in English, Spanish and in other languages spoken by
limited-English proficient individuals in any judicial district as