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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Fraud; action to set aside or appeal from the final order or judgment of registration or to recover the property
Real Property (RPP) CHAPTER 50, ARTICLE 12
§ 392. Fraud; action to set aside or appeal from the final order or
judgment of registration or to recover the property. Any title
registration procured by or as the result of fraud may be set aside, in
the same manner and by the same proceedings as in the case of a deed
obtained by fraud, provided that such proceedings for setting aside the
registration shall not injuriously affect the rights of an innocent
purchaser or incumbrancer of the property after such registration, for
value and without actual notice of the fraud, and provided further that
the action or other proceeding to set aside such registration be
commenced within ten years from the time when the final order or
judgment of registration was filed in the office of the county clerk of
the county in which the property is located. No action or proceeding or
appeal shall lie or be commenced, except on the ground of fraud as above
stated, to set aside or appeal from any final order or judgment of
registration or to modify or affect the same or for the recovery of
registered property or any estate, right or interest in or lien upon the
same or any part thereof, or to make any entry thereon, adversely to the
title or interest registered therein, as directed by a final order or
judgment of registration of the court, unless such action or proceeding
or appeal is commenced or taken within thirty days after a certified
copy of such final order or judgment of registration is filed in the
office of the registrar of the county in which the property is located.