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Fees to be charged
Real Property (RPP) CHAPTER 50, ARTICLE 12
§ 432. Fees to be charged. The following fees shall be charged by
registrars for the various services performed pursuant to this article:

(a) Filing the notice of petition, including entering it in the entry
book, indexing it in all indexes, and entering it in the tickler
certificate book, twenty-five dollars.

(b) Filing the survey, map or plan of the land to be registered,
twenty dollars.

(c) Filing any survey, map or plan of registered land showing any
subdivision or partition thereof, ten dollars.

(d) Filing, entering and indexing in all indexes any deed, lease or
muniment of title, ten dollars.

(e) Filing, entering and indexing in all indexes any deed for the
transfer of registered land, or of any interest therein, including the
issuance of the transfer certificate of title, eighteen dollars.

(f) Filing, entering and indexing in all indexes any mortgage of
registered land or of any part thereof, certifying and delivering a
registration copy thereof, eighteen dollars.

(g) In addition to the fee provided for in subdivision (f) of this
section, there shall be charged the fees now fixed by law for preparing
and certifying certified copies of documents or records.

(h) Filing, entering and indexing in all indexes any assignment,
modification, subordination, extension or satisfaction of a mortgage of
registered land, twelve dollars.

(i) Filing, entering and indexing in all indexes any other lien,
incumbrance or charge pending registration or subsequent thereto, twelve

(j) Filing, entering and indexing in all indexes any instrument
cancelling any lien, incumbrance or charge on a certificate of title,
twelve dollars.

(k) In addition to the charges provided for under subdivisions (i) and
(j) of this section, there shall be charged a fee of fifty dollars for
each additional certificate of title upon which any instrument creating
or discharging any lien, encumbrance or charge is required to be

(l) Filing, entering and indexing in all indexes the certified copy of
the final order and judgment of registration and issuing the certificate
of title in accordance therewith, twenty dollars.

(m) In addition to the fee provided for in subdivisions (e) and (l) of
this section, there shall be charged a fee of five dollars for each
additional parcel where two or more separate parcels are combined into
one certificate.

(n) Filing and entering an application for a new owner's duplicate
certificate of title where the same has been lost or destroyed, and
issuance of such new certificate, fifteen dollars.

(o) Preparing and issuing any new certificate of title where two or
more adjoining parcels of registered land are combined into one parcel
by the same owner; or where one parcel of registered land is subdivided
into two or more parcels by the owner, for each new certificate,
eighteen dollars.

(p) Services of the official examiner of title, one-tenth of one per
centum of the value of the property on the basis of the last assessment
for local taxation, and twenty dollars in addition thereto.

(q) Furnishing printed forms or for any services for which fees are
not herein specified such reasonable charges as may be fixed by the
registrar subject to the revision of the court.

One-half of the fees received by the registrar under subdivisions (e),
(f), (h), (i), (j) and (o) of this section shall be paid to the
treasurer of the county (in New York city to the commissioner of
finance), to be credited to the assurance fund provided by section four
hundred twenty-six of this article.