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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Form for certificate of title
Real Property (RPP) CHAPTER 50, ARTICLE 12
§ 435. Form for certificate of title. The registrar's certificate
title shall be in the following form:
No. ....... First registered ...........


(First Certificate) or (Transfer from No. ............) ..............
State of New York,}

County ..........,}
of (residence, and if a minor give his age; if under other disability,
state the nature of the disability); is the owner of an estate in fee
simple (or as the case may be) in the following land (here describe the
premises) subject to the estates, easements, incumbrances and charges
hereunder noted. (In case of trust, condition or limitation, say "in
trust" or "upon condition" or "with limitation," as the case may be.)

Witness my hand and official seal this (date).

(Seal) ......................,


of estates, easements and charges on the land described in the above
certificate of title.
Document | | Running in | | Date of | Signature
number | Kind | favor of | Terms| registration | of registrar

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