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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Filing of final assessment roll; notice of completion
Real Property Tax (RPT) CHAPTER 50-A, ARTICLE 5, TITLE 1
§ 516. Filing of final assessment roll; notice of completion. 1. On or
before the first day of July, the assessor or assessors shall complete
the final assessment roll, deliver the original to the clerk of the
county legislative body, and prepare and file a certified copy in the
office of the city or town clerk. The assessor or assessors shall
forthwith cause a notice to be published once in the official newspaper
of such city or town, or if no newspaper has been designated the
official newspaper, in a newspaper having general circulation in such
city or town, stating that the final assessment roll has been completed
and a certified copy thereof so filed for public inspection. In towns,
the assessors shall also cause a copy of the published notice to be
posted on the signboard maintained for the posting of legal notices at
the entrance of the town clerk's office pursuant to subdivision six of
section thirty of the town law.

2. The certified copy of the final assessment roll shall be retained
in the office of the city or town clerk as a public record for a minimum
of ten years from the date the final assessment roll was filed.

3. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this section, the
county legislative body may require additional copies of the assessment
roll to be made and specify by whom such additional copies shall be