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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Railroad (RRD) CHAPTER 49, ARTICLE 3
§ 105. Enforcement. After the expiration of thirty days from the
service of said order or notice specified in the preceding section, as
therein directed, if said corporation shall not have fully complied with
said notice or order, the commissioner of transportation may commence an
action or special proceeding hereunder, or under the transportation law,
in the supreme court for a judgment to compel said corporation or
corporations so neglecting or refusing to obey and comply with said
order or notice to comply with and obey said notice or order, and said
court shall have full power and authority to hear and determine said
matter, and after giving the corporation or corporations proceeded
against an opportunity to be heard in its or their defense, to compel
said corporation or corporations so proceeded against to obey said order
or notice, and forthwith comply with and carry out the provisions and
requirements therein contained.