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Social Services (SOS) CHAPTER 55, ARTICLE 5, TITLE 3
§ 157. Definitions. As used in this title. 1. Safety net assistance
means allowances pursuant to section one hundred thirty-one-a of this
article for all support, maintenance and need, and costs of suitable
training in a trade to enable a person to become self-supporting,
furnished eligible needy persons in accordance with applicable
provisions of law, by a municipal corporation, or a town where safety
net assistance is a town charge, to persons or their dependents in their
abode or habitation whenever possible and includes such relief granted
to veterans under existing laws but does not include hospital or
institutional care, except as otherwise provided in this subdivision, or
family assistance or medical assistance for needy persons granted under
titles ten and eleven of this article, respectively, or aid to persons
receiving federal supplemental security income payments and/or
additional state payments. Safety net assistance may also be provided in
a family home or boarding home, operated in compliance with the
regulations of the department, and on and after January first, nineteen
hundred seventy-four, in facilities in which a person is receiving
family care or residential care, as those terms are used in title six of
this article, and to persons receiving care in a facility supervised by
the office of alcoholism and substance abuse services or in a
residential facility for the mentally disabled approved, licensed or
operated by the office of mental health or the office for people with
developmental disabilities, other than those facilities defined in
sections 7.17 and 13.17 of the mental hygiene law, in a developmental
center facility operated by the office for people with developmental
disabilities or residential care centers for adults operated by the
office of mental health, when such type of care is deemed necessary.
Payments to such homes and facilities for care and maintenance provided
by them shall be at rates established pursuant to law and regulations of
the department. The department, however, shall not establish rates of
payment to such homes or facilities without approval of the director of
the budget.

2. State aid means payments to a municipal corporation by the state
for home relief furnished in accordance with this title.

3. Municipal corporation shall mean a county or city except a county
wholly within a city.