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Assessments and employability plans for certain recipients in households without dependent children
Social Services (SOS) CHAPTER 55, ARTICLE 5, TITLE 9-B
§ 335-a. Assessments and employability plans for certain recipients in
households without dependent children. 1. To the extent resources are
available, the social services official shall, within a reasonable
period of time not to exceed one year following application and not to
the exclusion of the assessment requirements of section three hundred
thirty-five of this title, conduct an assessment of employability based
on the educational level, including literacy and English language
proficiency; basic skills proficiency; supportive services needs; and
the skills, prior work experience, training and vocational interests of
each participant. This assessment shall include a review of family

2. (a) Based on the assessment required by subdivision one of this
section, the social services official, in consultation with the
participant, shall develop an employability plan in writing which shall
set forth the services that will be provided by the social services
official and the activities in which the participant will take part,
including supportive services and shall set forth an employment goal for
the participant. To the extent possible, the employability plan shall
reflect the preferences of the participant in a manner that is
consistent with the results of the participant's assessment and the need
of the social services district to meet federal and state work activity
participation requirements, and, if such preferences cannot be
accommodated, the reasons shall be specified in the employability plan.
The employability plan also shall take into account the participant's
supportive services needs, available program resources, local employment
opportunities, and where the social services official is considering an
educational activity assignment for such participant, the participant's
liability for student loans, grants and scholarship awards. The
employability plan shall be explained to the participant. Any change to
the participant's employability plan required by the social services
official shall be discussed with the participant and shall be documented
in writing.

(b) Where an assessment indicates that a participant who is not
subject to the education requirements of this title has not attained a
basic literacy level, the social services official shall encourage and
may require the participant to enter a program to achieve basic literacy
or high school equivalency or to enter such educational programs in
combination with other training activities consistent with the
employability plan.

3. A local social services official shall, pursuant to department
regulations developed in consultation with the department of education
and the department of social services or its successor agencies, use
designated trained staff or contract with providers having a
demonstrated effectiveness in performing assessments and developing
employability plans to perform assessments and develop employability

4. Each applicant for or recipient of public assistance as described
herein must participate in an assessment as required by the social
services district in accordance with the conditions of this section.
Applicants who fail or refuse to participate with the requirements of
this section shall be ineligible for public assistance. Recipients who
fail or refuse to participate with the requirements of this section
shall be subject to the sanctions set forth in section three hundred
forty-two of this title.

5. A social services district shall assign participants to activities
pursuant to their employability plans to the extent that supportive
services including transportation are available.

6. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent a social
services official from providing an assessment more detailed or
comprehensive that the requirements set forth in this section.