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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Job search activities
Social Services (SOS) CHAPTER 55, ARTICLE 5, TITLE 9-B
§ 336-d. Job search activities. 1. Each applicant for or recipient of
public assistance shall, upon request of the social services official,
demonstrate that he or she is engaged in an active and continuing effort
to achieve self-sufficiency as defined by the department. Such effort
shall include but not be limited to an active and continuing search for
employment, or for persons otherwise exempt in accordance with section
three hundred thirty-two of this title, and where deemed appropriate by
the social services official, activities that foster preparation for
employment. Each such applicant or recipient shall have an affirmative
duty to accept any offer of lawful employment in which he or she may
engage. The failure of a social services district to assign applicants
and recipients to activities pursuant to this title shall not relieve
such persons from the requirements of this section. An individual who
fails to comply with the requirements of the section shall be subject to
the provisions set forth in subdivision five of section one hundred
thirty-one of this chapter and of section three hundred forty-one and
three hundred forty-two of this title.

2. The social services official shall, if deemed appropriate by such
official, supervise job search activities assigned pursuant to this