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County appointments and bonds
Social Services (SOS) CHAPTER 55, ARTICLE 3, TITLE 3
§ 66. County appointments and bonds. 1. The legislative body of the
county may authorize the appointment of any number of deputy
commissioners of social services, physicians to care for sick persons in
their homes, other assistants and employees, including attorneys to
perform duties it considers necessary to carry out the provisions of
this chapter. However, such legislative body may also authorize that
such attorneys, in addition to performing the duties assigned to them by
the county commissioner, may be deputized by the county attorney to
perform duties on his behalf in connection with the work of the social
services department.

2. The county commissioner shall appoint deputy commissioners,
physicians, assistants and employees so authorized and direct their

3. Each county commissioner and deputy commissioner shall be required
to give bond before entering upon his duties. The board of supervisors
shall fix the amount of such bond and may require and fix the amount of
bond to be given by any other assistant or employee whose appointment is
authorized. The expense of any bond required in connection with the
work of a county public welfare official or employee shall be paid from
county public welfare funds.

4. In accordance with federal and state regulations each county
social services commissioner shall appoint a citizens advisory committee
or committees to exercise and perform such functions, powers, and duties
as the regulations of the department may require.