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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Town public welfare officers; appointment of staff
Social Services (SOS) CHAPTER 55, ARTICLE 3, TITLE 3
§ 67. Town public welfare officers; appointment of staff. 1. The
town board of each town responsible for the expense of providing safety
net assistance for persons residing or found in such town shall appoint
a social services official or authorize a supervisor of the town to act
as such official. It may in its discretion appoint an assistant town
social services official and other employees to assist the town social
services official in carrying out his or her duties. The town social
services official, his or her assistant and other employees shall hold
office during the pleasure of the town board. The town board shall fix
the salary to be paid a town social services official, his or her
assistant or other employees or fix the amount per hour to be paid them
when they are performing any duty connected with their office.

2. The town public welfare officer shall be responsible for the
authorization of the assistance and care for which the town is
responsible and shall assist the county commissioner in the
administration of assistance and care to persons residing or found in
his town for whose care the county public welfare district is
responsible. Except as otherwise agreed and arranged by and between the
county commissioner and the town public welfare officer, the town public
welfare officer shall receive all applications for public assistance and
care made in his town by residents of such town, and he shall forward
each such application to the county commissioner immediately after the
receipt of the same. He shall have all the powers and perform all the
duties of a public welfare official applicable to the work hereby

3. In case of emergency and until it is possible for the county
commissioner either to take charge of the case or to make a complete
investigation, the town public welfare officer may grant such temporary
assistance and care as may be necessary. All such grants made by the
town public welfare officer shall be made in accordance with the rules
and regulations of the department and the regulations established by the
county commissioner of public welfare.